Prix de Rome
News, Research — 2018

David Verbeek has been awarded the Prix de Rome in Architecture for Emerging Practitioners by Canada Council for the Arts.
The Prix de Rome in Architecture for Emerging Practitioners is awarded to a recent graduate from a Canadian architectural school who has demonstrated exceptional potential in contemporary architectural design. With this prize, the recipient may visit architectural buildings and collaborate with an internationally renowned architectural firm anywhere in the world. The winner receives $34,000 for the work program, travel and public presentation.
Read more from Canadian Architect or the University of Toronto.
Roma, Luigi Ghirri. 1979.
The Prix de Rome in Architecture for Emerging Practitioners is awarded to a recent graduate from a Canadian architectural school who has demonstrated exceptional potential in contemporary architectural design. With this prize, the recipient may visit architectural buildings and collaborate with an internationally renowned architectural firm anywhere in the world. The winner receives $34,000 for the work program, travel and public presentation.
Read more from Canadian Architect or the University of Toronto.
Roma, Luigi Ghirri. 1979.